
Screenshot of the instruments tab, editing a square instrument Screenshot of the instruments tab, editing a wave instrument Screenshot of the instruments tab, editing a noise instrument

  • Channel: Selects which “type” of instrument this is. Can be square, for instruments to be played on the pulse channels; wave, for instruments to be played on the wave channel; and noise, for instruments to be played on the noise channel.
  • Instrument number: This selects which instrument of its type to edit. Ranges from 1 to 15 (inclusive).
  • Instrument name: This is the name for the instrument. It is shows in the instrument combobox in the toolbar and in the song components.
  • Length: When enabled, a playing note will be cut off immediately after a certain amount of time elapses.
  • Test octave: Plays a test note for a few seconds, to test what the instrument will sound like.
  • Enable subpattern: Use the subpattern when playing the instrument.
  • Import/Export buttons: Used to import or export an instrument’s settings to/from a file.
  • Sweep time: Selects the “sweep time” for the note to take. The greater the value, the slower the sweep.
  • Sweep direction: Selects the direction of the sweep the note should take. “Up” portamentos the note up, “Down” portamentos it down.
  • Sweep size: Selects the magnitude of sweep for the note to take per “tick” as specified by sweep time.
  • Duty: Selects the timbre of note to play. Each setting sounds different, and they are useful when you don’t want both of the duty channels to clash with one another.
  • Start vol: Selects the starting volume for the envelope. When there’s no change on the envelope, this functions simple as the volume for the note, unless overridden by a volume effect command.
  • Direction: This specifies which direction for the envelope to go.
  • Change: This specifies for how long the envelope goes. The higher the value, the more the note will fade in or out.
  • Wave volume: Specifies at what volume a wave instrument shall play, unless overridden by a volume effect command.
  • Waveform: Specifies which waveform should play as part of this instrument. See waves.
  • 7-bit counter: When checked, the instrument will sound more like a musical tone rather than noise.